{☕} Coding, the superpower that nobody wants to have.

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11 Oct 2021

Anche se molto utile, odio le property shorthand

JavaScript supporta la possibilità di usare come chivare di un oggetto il nome di una variabile, ecco la mia opinione
20 Jul 2021

Letture Efficaci 🇮🇹

Sto cercando di ritornare a leggere. Metterò qui tutti i libri che leggo e ne trarremo le conseguenze
5 Apr 2021

Agile is dead! 🇬🇧 🇺🇸

The myth of Agile culture still in ongoing fall down, the only cases of success are due to highly qualified people who would have been successful regardless of the methodology
18 Sep 2020

Che cos’è Vtiger?

When a project stands up to difficulties, it is said to have aged well. Surely Vtiger deserves its second life with all the requirements of a modern software it has helped many businesses to progress. Now it’s up to us to help him enter the CI/CD era.
18 Sep 2020

Modernize Vtiger

When a project stands up to difficulties, it is said to have aged well. Surely Vtiger deserves its second life with all the requirements of a modern software it has helped many businesses to progress. Now it’s up to us to help him enter the CI/CD era.